The most wonderful time of the year!!

I LOVE Christmas!  LOVE IT!!  Everyone knows the reason for the season and that is very important to many of us.  This is not a blog about religion, so we will leave it at that.  Not all readers are of the same faith and beliefs, sooooo, yeah.

Christmas has always been a magical, wonderful, fun filled, joyous occasion for my family.  I can remember my grandmother's baking, the great foods, the decorations, the traditions and the laughter and love that always surrounded us.  I am a product of divorce, so I had at least 3 Christmases most years between parents, step parents, grandparents, etc.  My Meemaw made amazing treats that seemed to never run out and she always made special trays and cookie tins for friends and family. I think between her and my Mummsy, the baking and cooking I love to do at holidays must be genetic.  I love shopping for the ingredients on sale and what I have coupons for, planning on what to make with what we have, what I love and some of the traditional things I have grown up with.  Christmas is just so wonderful for so many reasons.

Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to do a post a day on Christmas in our house!  I will share my recipes, my decorations and what our family is up to.  I hope you enjoy the posts as much as I will enjoy baking for them!

Merry Christmas, may you be as blessed and happy as our family.



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